Name: Name of the Branch of Sin at Begginner level.
Description: What does it do? How far can the range reach? Does it have special properties?
Level: This is always beginner.
Posts to get Basic: How many posts does it need to level up to basic?
Name(Basic): At basic level, does the name change? If so, specify.
Description(Basic): At the basic level, what changes in the Branch of Sin? Does it take on new properties? Does it aquire a poison or toxin? Or maybe it can penetrate stronger materials.
Posts to get Advanced: How many posts it needs to advance to Advanced level. After leveling up to basic, the count resets. So if it took 100 posts to get to basic, then it resets and starts moving towards the advanced level.
Name(Advanced): At advanced level, does the name change? If so, specify.
Description(Advanced): At the advanced level, what changes in the Branch of Sin?
Posts to get Master: How many posts it needs to advance to Master level. After leveling up to basic, the count resets. So if it took 100 posts to get to basic, then it resets and starts moving towards the advanced level.
Name(Master): At master level, does the name change? If so, specify.
Description(Master): At the advanced level, what changes in the Branch of Sin?
- Code:
[b]Posts to get Basic:[/b]
[b]Posts to get Advanced:[/b]
[b]Posts to get Master:[/b]